slowly you came
and felt at home
unwelcome you were
but you didnt care
your presence was finally known
and caught our undivided attention
religion, age, gender, beliefs, and race mattered not to you
over the hills, across the seas, wingless, you flew
distance, was no barrier
oh dear, we were your unwitting carrier
you overwhelmed us with ease
the human race is now down on its knees
as if telling us to slow down, and simplify
lockdown, quarantine and masks we now go by
crime rates plummet
our dreaded virus made sure of it
we’re now forced simply to adjust
and embrace things of the past ..
reading, board games, knitting
DIY, baking, exercising, gardening
skies are bluer, no traffic and the waters clearer
and making a come back, is the drive-in movie theater
we do see your deeper message
but now dear Covid, its high time we see your passage..
Written by Maria Lourdes Velez
